Chat and talks are the first best things to do with your lips. Therefore, it won't be wrong to say that for doing the first, one needs support and presence of his or her near and dear. In the instant messaging sites like Yahoo, G talk, You Tring, msn - talks, smiles, laughs are synonymous. One can easily carry out all these things with the press of a button. It not only offers a great platform to come closer to your friends, colleagues and relatives but also helps to make long-distance calls and chat facility.

In this Internet world, no website can enjoy mass popularity and acclaims of the critics' community, unless it does not apply itself to the changing norms of the society at large. Therefore, these instant messaging sites help you to turn off from your monotonous lifestyle, as it brings you closer to other socialising activities.
The Instant messaging (IM), talks and chat are technologies that create the possibility of real-time techniques of communication between two or more users over the Internet. It helps the users to participate in the “unified” communication. Wherever you are, with the help of instant messaging sites you can easily communicate and share images and videos with your near and dear ones। The feature of instant or immediate receipt of acknowledgment or reply, group chatting, conference services can relate with real-time communication. While talking over the IM sites, it allows effective and efficient communication, featuring immediate receipt of reply.
Depending upon the interests and age groups, one can select the desired chat room। With the help of lips, one can talk, chat and call his or her peers of his choice so that one can feel happy while sharing his or her thoughts। The users can chat with their peers and also engage in video conferencing or calling with the help of unique voice-video-text chat interface। One can even save a conversation for later reference।

To conclude, it can be said that, there are many websites which offer services individually. The USP of “You Tring” lies in the fact that it offers all services such as chat, talk and call under one roof, hence make it a one-of-a-kind potential bearing product. It is a very fast-growing communications mode especially popular among adolescents.